As more states and countries continue to legalize the use, growth, and sale of cannabis, drivers all over the country have started driving while under the influence of the herb. This has, in turn, raised a red alert on the roads, as the rates in which drivers are causing accidents have gained traction. This being the case therefore, you shoulda tall times avoid driving while under the influence of cannabis, as this may make you cause accidents to find yourself on the wrong side of the law. This article will, therefore, delve into the penalties that you risk being punished with, once you are charged with driving while stoned.

Jail Term

One of the possible outcomes of your driving while under the influence of cannabis from Peak420 charge is being incarcerated. The amount of time that you can be incarcerated depends on the seriousness of the charge. Being incarcerated can, therefore, make you lose your job or spend some time away from your family which is not worth it. That is why you should at all times avoid driving while under the influence of cannabis in order to avoid serving some time in jail.


The other possible outcome of your driving while under the influence of cannabis is being bombarded with fines. Just like jail time, the amount of fines that you will be required to pay is dependent on the seriousness of the charge. Once you are fined, you will, in turn, lose your hard-earned cash thus making you make losses which is not worth it. Always avoid driving while under the influence of cannabis.

Community Service

In case you are found guilty of driving while under the influence of cannabis, you may be required to participate in some community service so that you can suffer the consequences. However, this penalty is mostly given to those drivers whose DUI is not that serious. The number of days in which you are supposed to do the community service work is dependent on the seriousness of your offence. Some of the community services work that you could be asked to do include participating in cleaning the streets among others.

License Suspension

In case the jury that is handling your case finds you guilty of driving under the influence of cannabis, they could suspend the validity of your driver’s license. They do this so as to curtail you from driving and being a threat to the lives of other motorists on the roads. This, therefore, means that you will not be able to drive, which can be very detrimental especially in case your work involves driving. That is why you should always avoid driving while stoned at all costs.